Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Best phone call ever

The best phone call ever!

Let’s imagine for a moment. Your telephone rings, and the voice on the other end is someone that you greatly respect. This could be your teacher, your pastor, your coach, your karate instructor, or a friend.  This person says, “I just thought I would call and tell you that I think that you are one of the nicest people I know” “You are a great person to be around, and I like listening to the things that you have to say” “Every time that I am around you, I feel inspired and motivated to want to be a better person” “I wish I could see you every day, because you motivate me to be my best”. “That is all I wanted to say, and I look forward to seeing you soon”

Now, if a person called you and said these things to you, how would that make you feel about yourself? You would feel great about yourself, wouldn’t you? By someone taking their time to call and say all of those things about you, it would probably make you want to be even a better person yourself. You would have such confidence in yourself, that you would want to get better grades, work harder in your other activities like hobbies or sports, you would want to be a better son or daughter, and even a better martial artist.

The words that the person on the phone said to you, made you feel positive about how you see yourself. What if the person on the other end of the phone was you? What if you said all of those great things about yourself every day? Things like I’m a great person, I always try my best; I can do anything that I set my mind to. I want to help others. There is a saying that the mind completes what ever picture we put in it. If we paint a picture of ourselves about the type great person that we could be, we can become that person. It all starts with the way that we chose to see our self. How we see our self is called our “Self Image” If you say positive things to yourself, you will have a positive self image. With a positive self image, an interesting thing happens. Your confidence grows, and when your confidence grows, your competence grows, which simply means, when your self image improves, your performance improves.

If you see yourself as a straight A student, you will become a straight A student. If you see yourself as a doctor, you can become a doctor. And, if you see yourself as a black belt, you can become a black belt.

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