Friday, April 28, 2017

Potential to overcome

Being proud of our gifts and talents and overcoming our challenges.
Once we realize what our gifts and talents are, or where our potential lies, we need to understand that it is OK to be proud of what we are good at and what things we can accomplish. Now that does not mean we should brag to make others feel bad or try to make ourselves look good to other people, but we should always be proud of the gifts and talents God has given us. (Ask the students to discuss some of their talents - instill in them the sense of pride and confidence in the things that they are good at.)

Next, explain that in order to enhance our gifts and talents and live up to our full potential, we have to understand what challenges we may have. The only way we can improve our talents is to recognize what our weakness or challenges are and work hard to correct them. A challenge is simply an opportunity to succeed. Once we know that we need to improve on something we should be excited at the opportunity to become better. (Discuss with the students some challenges they may have. Help them to understand that they should look at things they may not be good at as an opportunity to succeed and to be excited at the challenge of improving. Students that can look at their failures and weakness in this way will increase their confidence and work harder to make improvements.)

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