Friday, June 5, 2009

June activities

Hi the month of June is full of great activities and we are having fun in all our classes. The Arnis class still has room if you are interested. We are not only learning basic use of the baton but are learning defensive and offensive approaches to it's use. The children's sword class is developing an unexpected twist - the kids are demonstrating an affection for creating their own movement sequences with the few moves they have learned thus far. I know this will last them a life time. I had several adult students come in and practice one on one with me and they all improved their skills with this private instruction. We are also sparring in every class and I am seeing our students start to put together effective combinations! If someone hasn't had the chance to spar with me personally every one will, I am going from class to class and am enjoying the time I get to workout with everyone. We are in for a great summer of training! PS don't forget about the Summer Camp starting June 22nd. Watch for my upcoming mid-month news letter it will be full of informative information. If you aren't already signed up for my newsletter you can at

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