Monday, September 4, 2017

Black Belt Excellence for September part 1

Marty Martin Karate

Black Belt Excellence for September

Truth and Trust

Begin with the definition of honesty, the inner-strength and confidence that is obtained by demonstrating truthfulness, trustworthiness, and integrity with individuals, institutions, society, and with yourself. 

Continue to explain that to be an honest person you must make a commitment to truthfulness. Give some simple examples of telling the truth and telling lies. I did my homework? I brushed my teeth? The sky is green? Then take your examples to more complicated, or “gray areas” of truthfulness. You know something to be wrong or not true and you keep it to yourself and do not tell anyone - like a lamp in the house is broken, you know who did it but you do not tell your parents how it got broken. Explain to your students that these are the most difficult decision to make when it comes to being truthful. But by demonstrating this high standard of truthfulness they will begin to earn and receive a benefit far greater, which is the trust from others. From receiving trust from others they will earn greater responsibility and have greater opportunities in the future. Next, give some real life examples of how being trusted leads to opportunities. For instance, when a student turns sixteen, if their parents trust them, they will allow them to test for their driver’s license. 

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