Thursday, February 25, 2010

Black belts for black belts sake...

Rewarding normal behavior is wrong encouraging them to keep it up is right. I use to belong to a professional martial arts billing company. The owner/director use to send out emails stating that if your school wasn’t promoting people to Black Belt every month then you were not a Black Belt school. This is an example of why I think rewarding normal behavior is wrong. You should not, I don’t, reward someone for only completing regular tasks. Being able to punch does not a Black Belt make, being able to kick does not a Black belt make, going through the motions of a kata does not a Black belt make, you get the idea. It’s the heart you put into what you do, it’s being consistent in what you do, and it’s how effective you can become with that punch, kick, form, fight or challenge. It’s the intensity, the smoothness, the power. It’s not complaining at the menial tasks. Here is the thing, when you do a good job on the little things the big things will come. Rewards are in order for the big things you accomplish above and beyond not the regular things you should be doing from day to day.

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